DOBA Faculteta, Słowenia DARMOWA Szkoła Letnia online
W okresie 15 czerwca do 25 czerwca DOBA Faculteta, uczelnia wyższa ze Słowenii organizuje darmowy kurs online, tzw "International Week" na temat Creative Cross Cultural Communication. Zapraszamy do zgłaszania się!
Poniżej wiadomość od koordynatora:
Dear Erasmus Coordinators,
DOBA Faculty is organizing the 9th virtual summer school this year which will take place from 6th June to 3rd July 2017. Last year there were over 372 students from 29 different countries participating.
Cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important in today's business since the success sometimes depends on how good you understand other cultures and social groups. This is the reason for organizing a free International week entitled “Creative Cross Cultural Communication” (15th June – 25th June 2017) offering interesting lectures and webinars. Moreover, students and tutor will meet in the virtual learning environment Blackboard, where all resources, guidelines and forums are to be found.
Participation in the International week for foreign students is free of charge. Students will receive certificates for successfully completing the International week. Number of free places is limited. Students can already register on our website where they can find all additional information. Or you can send me an email with the contact details of students who would like to participate.
We would be very happy if you passed on the information about participation in our virtual summer to interested target groups (full time students, part time students, teachers,…). If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them. Please find attached the leaflet with all important information.
I’m looking forward to welcome your students in the International week.
Kind regards,
Nataša Ritonija, M.A.
T +386 (0)2 228 38 73
M +386 (0)41 645 667