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Choosing the Karkonosze Academy of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra is a guarantee of development in the intellectual, social and cultural aspects. We educate highly qualified specialists sought on the labor market. KANS is the path to success!


Events and news from academic life

07 Paź 2022

Invitation to publish your Research Paper in “INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DATA ANALYTICS AND MANAGEMENT” (ICDAM-2022) Organised by: The Karkonosze University of Applied Science, Poland Date: 25-26th June 2022 Paper Submission Deadline: 25th March 2022 Paper submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icdam2022 [1] Conference Website: http://www.icdam-conf.com [2] Email: icdam.conf@gmail.com All the accepted papers (after double-blinded peer review) will be published in the Springer proceedings of ICDAM-2022 Indexed by SCOPUS, INSPEC, EI Compendex & many more, and further selected extended papers will be invited to submit for possible publication in the special issues of the following journals. For an updated list of journals visit: http://icdam-conf.com/publication [3] 1. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (Elsevier), SCIE Indexed IF 5.35 2. CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, SCIE Indexed IF 1.59 3. IET Communications, SCIE Indexed IF 1.19 4. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, SCIE Indexed IF 2.38 5. CMC-Computers, Materials & Continua, SCIE Indexed IF 3.77 6. Intelligent Decision Technologies, Indexed by SCOPUS & ESCI Due to Covid-19 Epidemic, the conference will be organized in Hybrid Mode. Online/Virtual Presentations are allowed. UNIQUE HIGHLIGHTS:     * All papers will be presented via SKYPE or Online Presentation Mode if Pandemic continues.     * All accepted/Presented Paper will be published in the Springer proceeding  Indexed by SCOPUS, INSPEC, EI Compendex, and many more.     * Best paper award in each track.     * Opportunity to publish extended papers in reputed SCIE/Scopus indexed journals.     * Opportunity to listen to the reputed invited international & national speakers and panel discussions on the latest research areas.     * Free of cost one-day city tour.

07 Paź 2022
Small Erasmus Staff Week in the Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra

From 28th February 2022 to 4th March 2022, as part of the Erasmus+ programme, the Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra hosted lecturers from abroad. Professor William Mosier, an American from the Department of Pedagogy at Gelisim University in Turkey conducted classes on child psychology and language development of children. Ms Tuğçe Apayadin Azman, Head of the Department of Translation from the same university, showed the students various IT tools used in translation. And Ms Raquel Evangelina López Ruano, an Italian and Hispanic scholar from the University of Malaga in Spain, was a special guest during the Spanish language classes.

07 Paź 2022
Small Erasmus + Staff Week in KANS

From the 16th of May 2022 to the 20th of May 2022, the Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra was hosting lecturers from abroad as part of the Erasmus+ program. At the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences students of English Philology took part in classes with Irish professor - David Brett, from the University of Sassari. Professor Brett prepared interesting lectures abors Irish culture, the British press, and phonetics and phonology of the English language. Professor Brett also met with students of the Karkonosze University of the Third Age during an English language course with Kamila Biniek, Ph.D. Seçkin Can, Ph.D. from Ondokuz Mayis University in Turkey prepared classes on academic writing and the didactics of foreign language teaching for the English Philology students. Aušra Šunokaitė coordinator of the dietetics program, who teaches at Klaipėda University in Lithuania conducted theoretical and practical classes, in the new dietetics laboratory and at the Faculty of Medical and Technical Sciences Take a look at the photos from the classes!

25 Sty 2022

International Scientific Conference Health and Lifestyle of a Contemporary Human Being The Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra The Faculty of Medical and Technical Sciences cordially invites you to participate in International Scientific Conference “Health and Lifestyle of a Contemporary Human Being”   Date:March 4, 2022 Place:ZOOM platform Conference topic:“Health and Lifestyle of a Contemporary Human Being” During the conference, there will be presentations in various fields and scientific disciplines related to broadly understood medicine, physical education, and health sciences.   We invite you to read the details of the conference.   Aim of the conference:Exchange of views, research results, and practical experiences in the field of health and lifestyle of a modern human. Conference program >>>(will be attached at a later date) Deadline for applying: January 28, 2022  You must submit an abstract in English beforehand   Application form >>>    Please send your application to the following address: malgorzata.fortuna@kpswjg.pl   NO CONFERENCE FEE IS REQUIRED.   Please fill in the formto get a direct link to the conference on the ZOOM platform:   Conference link >>>   THE CONFERENCE IS CERTIFIED.   Publication:Presented papers will be published in faculty magazine „Zeszyty Wydziału Nauk Medycznych i Technicznych”. Deadline for preparing the article:May 4, 2022. Instructions for preparing materials for printing and guidelines for authors: http://wnmit.kpswjg.pl/pl/instructions-for-authors Publication-related costs: none Contact address: malgorzata.fortuna@kpswjg.pl, monika.sobolak@kpswjg.pl

22 Lut 2021

We are very pround to organize an international linguistic event online on 21.12.2021, with, among others, the honourable participation of our partner in the Erasmus+ Programme, Changzhou Institute of Technology from the city of Changzhou, the partner city of Jelenia Góra.  The webinar is meant for the 1st year English Philology students of KPSW. Interested participants please send an email to kamila.biniek@kpswjg.pl for a link to the event. Plan of the webinar: Tuesday 21 December 2021, time: 9:40. 9:30 Logging into Zoom platform   9:40 – 10:00 Greeting: dr Magdalena Baczyńska, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Karkonosze University of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra (KPSW) presentation „Possibilities of Erasmus+ Programme for the of KPSW”: dr Kamila Biniek, institutional Erasmus+ Programme Coordinator at KPSW: 1) Mobilities for Study and Traineeships: academic year 2022/2023 2) Erasmus+ Programme Countries and Partner Countries 3) China: partner country of KPSW etc. 10:00 – 11:00 Presentation: “Poland-China Interaction”: mgr Wang Honxia,  Changzhou Institute of Technology short presentation about the city of Changhzou in China, Changzhou Institute of Technology, Chinese culture, Chinese customs, names, festivals, cities etc. possibilities of organizing Chinese language workshops for Polish students: basic greetings and daily expressions in Chinese. 11:00 – 11:10 Questions and Answers session, discussion 11:10 – 11:20 Break 11:20 “Medical English” - „Urinary system” mgr Grażyna Daniel-Schuwald, sworn translator of English language, medical specialization. Translator of the following popular science publications (selection): „Healthy Brain” Dr Stephen Masley, „Stress Proof” Dr Mithu Storoni, „This Is Your Brain On Parasites” Kathleen McAuliffe

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Opinions about us

For over 20 years, the university has been building an educational offer at the highest level

KANS is a university strongly embedded in the local context. What distinguishes it is its intimate atmosphere and good, partnership-like relations between students and staff. We are close to the students, we keep in touch with many of them even after...

dr Oliwia Tarasewicz-Gryt
Journalism and social communication, academic teacher at KANS

While working at KANS, I often think that I would like to be in the shoes of these young people. A very nice curriculum, practitioners as lecturers, additional and certified courses, groups in which we have a chance to have individual contact with th...

mgr Magdalena Otto
Dietetics, academic teacher at KANS

KANS is a university strongly embedded in the local context. What distinguishes it is its intimate atmosphere and good, partnership-like relations between students and staff. We are close to the students, we keep in touch with many of them even after...

dr Oliwia Tarasewicz-Gryt
Journalism and social communication, academic teacher at KANS

While working at KANS, I often think that I would like to be in the shoes of these young people. A very nice curriculum, practitioners as lecturers, additional and certified courses, groups in which we have a chance to have individual contact with th...

mgr Magdalena Otto
Dietetics, academic teacher at KANS
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Why Choose KANS?


The Karkonosze Academy of Applied Sciences in Jelenia Góra is the only autonomous and public university that guarantees a systematic increase in the quality of educational services provided to students and the external environment, as well as educating highly qualified specialists sought after in the labor market. It has modern teaching and laboratory facilities located on a charming university campus, which includes, among others: one of the most modern libraries in Lower Silesia, an indoor swimming pool, a sports hall with extensive recreational facilities, a professional radio studio and a DJ studio, a specialized chemical laboratory, forensic, gastronomic and Monoprofile Medical Simulation Center. There is also a dormitory, a shooting range and an exercise physiology lab on the campus. KANS didactic and laboratory equipment allows for multi-profile research work.

Our partners


III LO im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Jeleniej Górze

DZS w Biedrzychowicach

TEB Edukacja sp. z o.o.

ZSP im. A. Mickiewicza

Miejski Ośrodek Sportu


Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych

ZSET w Jeleniej Górze

ZSOiMS w Szklarskiej Porębie

II LO im C.K. Norwida

DZS w Karpaczu

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 8

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 15

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11

MKS Karkonosze Sporty Zimowe


Frogs Ski&Sun


Książnica Karkonoska

Jeleniogórskie Centrum Kultury

Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego

Zdrojowy Teatr Animacji

Fundacja Autika


Karkonoski Park Narodowy

Partnerstwo Ducha Gór LGD

Ośrodek Szkoleń Specjalistycznych SG


III LO im. Jędrzeja Śniadeckiego w Jeleniej Górze

DZS w Biedrzychowicach

TEB Edukacja sp. z o.o.

ZSP im. A. Mickiewicza

Miejski Ośrodek Sportu


Zespół Szkół Elektronicznych

ZSET w Jeleniej Górze

ZSOiMS w Szklarskiej Porębie

II LO im C.K. Norwida

DZS w Karpaczu

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 8

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 15

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11

MKS Karkonosze Sporty Zimowe


Frogs Ski&Sun


Książnica Karkonoska

Jeleniogórskie Centrum Kultury

Karkonoska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego

Zdrojowy Teatr Animacji

Fundacja Autika


Karkonoski Park Narodowy

Partnerstwo Ducha Gór LGD

Ośrodek Szkoleń Specjalistycznych SG